Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back to School with Braces?  What do you need to know?

1. Bring a toothbrush to school - it is very important to clean those teeth after lunch!!

2. The school nurse is a GREAT resource - they will have wax for pokey wires, tylenol for sore teeth and toothfairy boxes for the ones you wiggle out.

3. If you have a bracket that comes loose, make sure you call our office (359-4480) to see if we need to get you in to have the brace put back on.

4. Carry extra rubberbands - if you are wearing rubberbands, make sure you have an extra pack for school, so you can change to new bands after lunch.

4. Wear a mouthguard for sports! - Be sure you protect those teeth and gums. We recommend a regular boil type of mouthguard, but instead of boiling it, just trim it to fit. If it fits too snug (like when you boil and form it) it won't allow your teeth to move properly.

5. Have fun!! We hope you have a great school year